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Fundraising Policies

Mills High School Club Advisor Information

Thank you for being a Club Advisor! As many of you know, it is often a responsibility that is overlooked, but can have a great impact on a student. Your time and commitment is appreciated. Below, you’ll see a list of helpful guidelines to assist you in an effective advisor and mentor.

Forms can be found in the front office with Kathy Landa (Financial Officer) and Maurine Seto (Super Staff Assistant).  

General Responsibilities:

  • Present for all Club Meetings and activities 

Financial Responsibilities 

  • You handle ALL cash transactions 
    • Complete the Deposit Form link in this sentence and submit with money to Kathy Landa
    • Complete the Minutes form link in this sentence for any reimbursements, purchase orders etc. and submit to Kathy Landa 
  • When Making Purchases you have a few options: 
    • For items that can be bought with a Purchase Order, complete the Minutes Form and a Purchase Order Form
    • For items (such as food) that don't use/allow a purchase order, your club can complete a Minutes Form and the Credit Card Authorization Form: the DO will then purchase the goods and the funds from your account will be directed to the DO. No reimbursements necessary!
    • If you need to purchase and use a reimbursement, ideally have an adult make the purchase, complete a Minutes Form before the purchase, keep the itemized receipt and complete the process for reimbursement. However, the DO did say that if your club has a student that would like to make purchases, the DO can set up a PO Account number for that student, which will expedite the reimbursement (and make the DO happier). You can also request a PO Account be set up for an adult (and that might happen if you have the same person requesting reimbursements multiple times.  
    • Click the link below for more information from the District, enjoy. 
    • More information

Activities & Events

  • Fundraisers, Club Events, basically anything on campus outside of club meeting
    • You MUST be present or get coverage
    • Complete the Activity & Facility Request Form
    • Mills Activity & Facility Request Form
    • After it has been returned to you, keep a copy for your records and start planning your event!
  • In-House Field Trips
    • Complete the Activity & Facility Request Form above, etc.
    • Have students get In-House Field Trip Forms signed by teachers and returned to you
    • In-House Field Trip Forms
    • Give to Michelle Dudley (Attendance Office) 

Completing an Off-Campus Field Trip Form

  • At least six weeks in advance
  • All forms at Rita Lehner's office
  • Must be approved by Administration, District Office
  • Complete Field Trip Application Form below, Explanation of Trip to be submitted to District Office (example)
  • Field Trip Application

Students must get Field Trip Consent Form below signed by Parents/Guardians and Teachers (if missing class)

Field Trip Consent Form