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Mills Counseling Department

Mills Counseling Department

Mills counselors are committed to supporting students' academic, college/career and personal-social growth. To learn more about our counseling services, check out the Mills Counseling website. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need advice or support. We are here for you!  Each Mills student is alphabetically assigned to a school counselor by last name.

The Mills counselors may be reached by phone or email:

School Counselors:

Rachel Mack (A-Gi)

Jayde Tijero (Gl-Lo)

Kalani Vasquez (Lu-P)

Jonathan Fong (Q-Z)

Counseling Staff Assistant:
Christopher Kaminski

If you have questions about your classes, graduation requirements, preparing for college, or other personal issues, please reach out to your counselor. Students can stop by the counseling office during brunch, lunch or Flex, or during an open period. Students may also schedule an appointment to meet with their counselor through our school counseling website. Parents may request an appointment by calling or emailing the counselor assigned to their student.

School counselors also provide college advising, school and community resources, career exploration, personal counseling and referrals to outside therapy. Your counselor is your advocate who is ready and willing to help you enjoy a meaningful and successful high school experience.

College and Career Planning

College and Career Planning

Our College and Career Center is a great resource for students wishing to research colleges and scholarships, as well as find opportunities for jobs, internships or community service. For more information about the latest opportunities, or to schedule an appointment with Ms. Murtagh or Ms. Woolsey, check out our College & Career website:

College, Career and Financial Aid Advisor:
Lorenzo Hockaday

Career Coordinator:
Jerel Reyes