Library Policies
Library Policies
(For the library program, the Ideal Library Noise Level Range: Quiet-Collaborative)
Student Expectations:
To reduce distractions
- must use earphones with their phones and computers when listening to audio (Outside audio is distracting to other people around them)
must not take cell phone calls in the library (Library Storage Room or outside)
must not yell in the library
To create a safe space
must walk not run in the library
must not throw things in the library
must not rough house in the library
must not use hate speech and gratuitous profanity
must not sit in pathways (emergency exits)
must not walk through the Librarian Area
To keep a clean space
must respect the library furniture and space
must throw away trash
must tuck chairs in
To keep a shared space/commons
must ask for permission to use the TV equipment
must ask permission from a teacher/librarian to use the library storage room
must ask permission to use the color printer
must return office supplies/tools to the Librarian Area
Library Storage Area
Ask permission to use the space from the Librarian/Teacher
Clean up after yourselves
Counter Next to Sink Must be Cleared-Off and Cleaned Before Leaving
Table Must Be Cleared Off and Cleaned Before Leaving
Sink Must be Clean
Close Door and Turn off lights
School Materials Norms
Computer Lab Use:
May use charging cables or power outlets to charge chromebooks
May use desktops for printing or studying
Library Book Borrowing:
- Students can check out library books from the Librarian using their ID or ID number
Students return library books to the return box in the library
Students can check out books for up to a month
No late fees, but if a book is lost there will be a replacement fee
Chromebooks Borrowing
Students can check out/return loaner chromebooks from the library/bookroom
Students are responsible for returning their loaner computers at the end of day
Students may make exchanges for charged chromebooks
Students must report damages
Students must return chromebooks clean of dirt
Textbook/Literature Borrowing
Students must check-out textbooks/literature when the book room is open
Students must return textbooks/literature to Textbook Chromebox outside Bookroom or to the Librarian when she is in the Bookroom
Students can check their account using Destiny