Parent Organizations
Welcome Families
Here at Mills High School, we strive to provide the best services to all our stakeholders.
In order to best serve our students, we need your help and participation in a variety of ways. Parent participation is a necessity to be able to offer the high quality high school experience that each of our students deserve during the four year experience at Mills. The Mills Community offers a number of ways to get involved to strengthen our vision and our experiences for students. Please consider the following parent participation opportunities and commit your time to supporting our school:
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) ~ This organization is the umbrella of our parent participation at Mills. There are many opportunities to help the PTO as a parent volunteer prior to this date including volunteering. Visit the PTO tab for more information.
- Mills Music and Arts Group (MMAG) ~ The Mills High School Music Arts Group provides students, families, and the community, enrichment through music. The long term vision is for students to get the most of the music program by working together to achieve musically and in life. Students will build confidence and be part of a program they can be proud of by performing at the highest levels at regional music performances as a group of dedicated musicians and receiving acclaim for their performances. Visit our Music Arts Group Webpage for more information.
- Drama Guild ~ Each year, dozens of students participate in the Mills drama productions, including our fall play and spring musical. Helping ensure the success of these events is a dedicated group of parents, the Drama Guild. The Drama Guild seeks support from parents in any way they can help, from procuring items on our prop list to teaching students how to run our state-of-the-art lighting and sound system. We are fortunate to have dedicated staff and faculty to spearhead our drama program, and they need your support.
- School Site Council ~ Also known as Mills Planning Committee (MPC), a decision-making body comprised of teachers, staff, students, administration and parents, provides input for our Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and assists in guiding our overall vision and mission as a school. Please see our agenda for our hybrid meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd.
- Black Parents Association ~ The Black Parents Association of the San Mateo Union High School District is a volunteer parent’s association made up of a diverse group of parents/guardians, teachers, and friends of all ethnicities. We are dedicated to cooperatively promoting quality education for students of African and African American descent, while offering the best level of support and information to both students and parents. With collaboration, participation and support, we help to enrich our students’ journey through high school while preparing them for college.
- ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) ~ ELAC is an advisory committee that advises the principal on recommendations for improving our services for students that speak English as a second language in the school setting. ELAC advises the School Site Council, ensuring that the needs and development of English Language Learners are at the forefront of our efforts. We are looking for your input and for volunteers to serve on our District ELAC. Email Gina Vannini at for more information.
- Latino Parent Group ~ Latino parents meet monthly to discuss issues of common interest around supporting our Latino students. Email Gina Vannini at for more information.
- Athletic Booster Committee ~ The Mills High School Athletic Booster Committee is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing financial support and volunteer services to all our sports teams and student athletes here at Mills High School. Our funding assistance helps to develop, sustain and enhance our students' overall athletic experience. Visit the Mills High School Athletic Booster Committee website at for more information.