Clearing an Absence
Clearing an Absence
Students are expected to clear an absence within two school days after they return to school. Absences must be cleared by a parent/guardian phone call or a note explaining the absence. Absences not cleared after two school days will be considered a truancy unless approved by an administrator. The school may initiate contact with the parent/guardian if the absence is not cleared.
The parent/guardian and student should make every effort to schedule non-school appointments outside school hours. If this is unavoidable, the student must bring a parent/guardian note or have the parent/guardian call the Attendance Office to obtain a “Permit to Leave” prior to departure. Students leaving without a “Permit to Leave” form will be considered truant.
Please follow one of these two steps to clear absences:
- On any day your student is absent, notify the Attendance Office using the Online Absence Reporting Form: Absence Reporting Form
- Submit a written note in ink, including student name and ID number, days and dates of absence, reason, and signature. The note must include the writer's relationship to the student plus the home, work, and/or cell telephone numbers. This is to be submitted to the Attendance Office on the day of the student's return to school.
The parent/guardian of an 18-year-old student is expected to follow the same attendance procedures regarding notes and telephone calls.