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Community College Classes

Concurrent Enrollment


San Mateo County Community College District

Concurrent Enrollment enables high school students to take community college courses and earn college credits for free! Wondering whether to take a class? Check out these slides: Taking a Community College Class While in High School.

 How to Register for Community College Courses

  1. Determine which class(es) you wish to take: College Class Schedules. Optional: Use this Department List to guide your course selection.
  2. Depending on which campus is offering the class, follow the Concurrent Enrollment registration instructions:
    1. Skyline College
    2. College of San Mateo 
    3. Canada College
  3. To take a math course, email to request and submit a math waiver. 
  4. Follow these steps to complete a College Connection Form in your mySMCCD Student Portal.  
    1. Click on the Student Success Link, then click the My Forms tab to access the form
    2. Add the Course Number(s) (CRN) of the classes you wish to take, as well as your parent's email
    3. Add your school counselor's email. The form will be emailed to your counselor for their approval.
  5. If you need a copy of your transcript for Math or English placement, follow these instructions on how to download a transcript
  6. After your form is approved by the community college, register for classes in Websmart on or after your registration date. 

 Questions? Contact your school counselor! 

SMUHSD Concurrent Enrollment website