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Welcome to the English Department

At Mills High School your student will develop as a reader, writer, speaker and critical thinker while exploring literature and rhetoric from around the world and across every literary period through the following classes:

Please refer to the Mills Course Guide for information on the following classes:

English 1 C.P. (College Prep) / AS (Advanced Standing)
English 2 C.P. / A.S.
English 3 C.P.
A.P. (Advanced Placement) Language and Composition,
English 4 C.P.
A.P. Literature and Composition

The Mills English department provides a skill-based curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core and focused on preparing all students for the rigors of college and career.  Our teachers work collaboratively both as a department and in professional learning communities to ensure that all students experience a rich and fruitful experience in their classes, developing coursework that is at once interesting and challenging.