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Career Technical Education (CTE)

Welcome to the Career Technical Education Department

Career Technical Education (CTE) is an educational experience which incorporates academic learning and the development of technical skills. One year (10 credits) of Career Technical Education is required for graduation.  Two years (20 credits) are encouraged for Career Technical Education pathway completion.  Students participate in classroom presentations as well as perform hands-on experiences in a lab setting.  Study skills and job entry level skills are stressed with emphasis toward the world of work, career decisions, consumer knowledge and opportunities in higher education.  Several of the courses in the Career Technical Education Department have Tech Prep Articulation agreements with the College of San Mateo, Canada, Skyline and West Valley Mission Community College.  Tech Preparation Agreements allow students advanced placement and college credit earned while in high school.  

Please see the Course Guide for information on the following courses:

Architecutal Design

Media Arts

Video Production

AP Computer Science A

Computer Science Principles

Engineering Technology



Food & Nutrition

Culinary Arts


Publications (Yearbook)


College Success, Career Planning, and Life Exploration


Fall Film Festival 2024!

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Come to our first ever Fall Film Festival! 

Students have been busy in the studio and Advanced students are hard at work to put on a great show!

The show will be at 7 p.m. in the Mills Auditorium.